COVID-19 Update
Dear Members,
Tennis Ireland, the national governing body, has just issued guidelines for clubs to remain open whilst also following the advice of the HSE. As a result, we have decided to re-open the Club effective tomorrow Friday, 20th March. We will of course continue to monitor the situation.
We appreciate that members are abiding by our own guidelines issued a week ago and would ask you to continue doing so to ensure the health and safety of everyone.
Please note:
1. The Clubhouse will remain closed.
2. Juniors: U12s must be strictly supervised by a parent/guardian and may play in the afternoons only between 2-5pm.
3. Coaching: Individual one-on-one coaching sessions may take place.
4. Social Distancing is critical - we ask all members, Juniors and Seniors alike, to practice and monitor social distancing.
5. Hand Hygiene: we suggest you bring your own hand santisers to use before and after you play.
6. We reiterate that members do not remain at the Club. Just play your game and then leave.
In addition, we ask you to heed Tennis Ireland's guidelines here:
We thank you for your continued patience over the last week. All decisions are made with the best information we have at the time.
Susie Kennelly
President, on behalf of MLTC Executive Committee