Competitive Tennis
We offer a range of competitions and tournaments throughout the calendar year to cater for all standards of play.
Our annual Club Championships, which usually take place the last two weeks in August, date back more than 100 years with the Club honours board listing all the men and lady champions since inception. The Championships are truly the highlight of the competitive year at Monkstown. Please Note: To be eligible to enter our Club Championship Events you must be a member of the club and be over the age of 14 on the 1st of January.
The highest participatory event of the year, the MLTC Handicaps, are held in July. The doubles events in this tournament have a social dimension as all pairings are drawn from a hat. That is where the niceties end with the Handicaps being very much a competitive tournament!
We also operate a Men’s Singles Ladder hosted online on the Club Manager 365 website. The Ladder is a great way to challenge and meet other club members and improve match-playing skills.
Click on the following links for further information
· Quick Ladder guide document
· Men's ladder rules
· Club Manager Ladder Demo Video ClubManager365 - Challenge Ladders Demo - YouTube
Our men’s and ladies’ teams are well represented in all four of the main Dublin Lawn Tennis Council (DLTC) Leagues – Summer, Floodlit, Senior and Winter. The pennants on display in the Clubhouse bear witness to the successes of the various teams in these leagues over the years. You can see all the DLTC Leagues here.
Winter League takes place on Sundays (men play in morning, ladies in afternoon) in Jan/Feb and is a doubles event with three pairings per team.
Summer League takes place May/June and the format is three singles and two doubles. Men play Fri nights or Sat mornings, ladies play either Mon/Tues/Wed.
Senior League takes place on Sundays (men in morning, ladies in afternoon) in Sept/Oct and consists of three doubles pairings.
Sign up sheets for the above leagues are put up on noticeboard and teams are then selected by the Club Captains in conjunction with their selection sub-committees.
Floodlight League takes place on Mondays (men), Tuesdays (ladies) in Oct/Nov and this league is a little different in that there are only four on each team and each week names are pulled out to decide who plays singles and who plays doubles. The format is 2 singles and one doubles.
In recent years, the Club has entered teams in a number of relatively new tournaments that provide a more regular flow of organised competitive play between clubs locally. These tournaments include the Blue & Gold (Mixed), Five Mile League (Ladies), Ladies Charity League and the Easter Cup (Men).
Open Tournaments

Members are regular participants on the Tennis Ireland tournament circuit.
2019 Senior Interprovincial Championships
Monkstown hosted the 2019 Senior Interprovincial Championships where the top six male and female players from Leinster, Munster, Connacht and Ulster did battle on our courts over two days of top-class competitive tennis.