Club Constitution moved to Members Folder (members password available from office)
Anti-Descrimination & Anti-Harrassment Policy
Monkstown Lawn Tennis Club has adopted and implemented the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport as an integral part of club policy on children and club membership. The Club Constitution includes a Child Protection Policy and members are deemed to have accepted that policy by the act of joining or renewing their membership. These Policies and Codes are set out below and all members and their children should read and become familiar with them.
A hard copy of the full policy and detailed guidelines on supervision, recruitment, reporting, recording accidents/incidents, bullying, away trips and use of photography, is available in the Club house.
Our Children’s Officers are: Karen MacKenna and Bill Condon who can be reached via the club office at or 01 2842582
Our Designated Liaison Person is Anna Gunning.
If you have any queries about Children and Safeguarding in the club please speak with our relevant person - Richard Keevey - Club President.