COVID Update

Dear Members,

With a new strain of COVID in circulation, we must all remain vigilant and continue to adhere to COVID guidelines more than ever.  We are aware of members testing positive in the last couple of days but no cluster has been identified to the Club.

Fortunately, under Level 5 we are still allowed to play tennis, however Government Guidelines have tightened the rules.

The important change is that a maximum of TWO households may play together effective Monday, December 28th, so if you have a booking with more than two households please adjust right now.  Thank you.

Christmas Camps

  • We will have volunteers on site to ensure social distancing and hand sanitising.

  • Judy will contact all who have registered re: payment method, COVID form etc.

  • Bathroom access is for emergencies only, one person at a time.

  • Parents / guardians to remain at the gates as much as possible for drop off / collection and to practice social distancing.

All Members

  • A maximum of two households may play together (in accordance with Government guidelines).

  • Face masks: please wear face masks at all times, inside and outside, except when playing tennis.

  • Please stick to 50 minutes for your game and leave the Club on time so that there is no crossover with people entering and leaving.

  • All games must be pre-booked and only those names entered into the booking system are to play.

  • Cancel court bookings if you are not using them. If it is a last-minute cancellation and you are unable to cancel using the court booking system, please send an e-mail to our COVID Officer.

  • Members should observe social distancing at all times and resist the temptation to mingle.

  • Bathroom access is for emergencies only, one person at a time.

  • Santitise your hands before and after your game.

Government Guidelines

  • If you are displaying any COVID symptoms or have been in contact with anyone who has it, please do not come to the Club.

  • If you are returning from foreign travel, please do not come to the Club for 14 days.

We would ask you to adhere to COVID guidelines in full so we can continue to play safely.  The Executive Committee along with our COVID Officer will continue to monitor the situation regularly to ensure compliance with Government and Tennis Ireland guidelines.

Yours sincerely,


Mary Meagher                                 Siobhan Coburn

President                                           COVID Officer

Helen Lane