Club Notices

Please see below our notices for the coming week.



We would appreciate if any outstanding subs could be paid via Easy Payments as soon as possible. Please contact Anne Crossan in the office if you have any queries regarding the payment method.


Summer League 

A reminder that the Summer League sign-up sheets are on the board.  The ladies sign-up sheet will be on the board until Saturday 9th April.


Ladies Committee Update 

Just a gentle reminder that, for this week only, Ladies Social Tennis will take place this Friday 1st April from 10am to 12 noon. This is a once off opportunity for those ladies who can’t make Wednesday Social Tennis mornings to enjoy a game and a coffee after!  We look forward to seeing some of you then! 

The dates for Ladies Social tennis on Wednesday mornings after Easter are still to be finalised - we first need some more volunteers to sign up to host the mornings.  The sign-up sheet is on the notice board in the club house! 

Finally, don’t forget to sign up for our last Social Tennis Event this term - the Easter Fun Tournament is taking place next Wednesday 6th April from 10am to 12 noon. All levels welcome!


Charity League

The teams - Monkstown 2 and Monkstown 1 each had wins in the Monday Charity League - they both have only one more match to play in each of their sections, so keep up the good work ladies. Could we see the two teams end up playing off against each other at a later stage?... Watch this space..! 

All three teams in the Advanced League had wins this week - another fantastic result for Monkstown Tennis Club in the Charity League.



A reminder to parents that the 10 week junior coaching term has finished, unless your coach has advised you of additional rained off dates.

Huge congratulations to Rosie Kennedy on becoming the club’s latest international after she represented Ireland against Poland last weekend in Castlebar!


Opening & Locking Up Rota

We will need some volunteers for this rota while Arek is on holidays from 16th – 29th April – so please let us know if you can help on even a couple of days.  The sign-up sheet is on the noticeboard.

Men’s Morning

Courts 4, 5 & 6 will be available this Sunday 3rd April from 10am - 12 noon.


Club Night

Club night tonight will be hosted by Kevin Polley. Do come along and Stephen will give some coaching support at the beginning of the evening. We need more volunteers to host a club night – please put your name on the Rota in the function room or contact Isabella Davison.


Hope you all have a good weekend!



Anne Crossan