MLTC Club Notices 25/01/2024
Deadlines for the Annual Subscription payments
This is a reminder of the deadlines for the annual subscription payments.
- Instalments - deadline Saturday 27/01/24 (in two days) - two options available:
- 3 months - payments taken each month from January through March
- 9 months - payments taken each month from January through September
- Annual payment - deadline Friday 16/02/24 - payments in full by Easy Payments or Bank Transfer
Bank details are : *IBAN: IE78AIBK93340619412487 BIC: AIBKIE2D
If you have any questions or would like to speak to Anne or Carol about your payments, please contact the office.
Kind regards
Helen Bunbury, Honorary Treasurer
On behalf of the Executive Committee
Sign up is invited for the Blue & Gold mixed doubles tournament which commences on Friday 23rd February and runs for a period of 5 weeks – see attached flyer
MLTC have entered two teams in this tournament which involves matches against other local clubs and will be held on Friday evenings.
Teams will comprise various standards from Class 3/4 to non-league and priority for team places will be given to members who are not currently on winter league teams.
Please sign up on this link
The Easter Cup will run from the beginning of February. Matches take place on Friday evenings against local clubs. The entry is available to non-league players. For more details contact Bill Sadlier.
The Charity league teams plus subs have now been selected and are on the noticeboard. The matches are scheduled to commence on Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th February. Best of luck to all of the teams participating.
The Ladies Committee is delighted to welcome this year’s members Marie McCullagh, Elaine O’Toole, Breege Clancy, Jo Farrelly, Grainne Callaghan & Jane O’ Rourke.
Huge thanks to outgoing members Colette Langan, Jemma Houlihan & Nicky Flavin.
Ladies Morning will take place next Wednesday 31st January between 10am - 12pm and will be hosted by Isabella Davidson. All welcome for a fun morning of tennis followed by tea/coffee and chats so please do come along.
SAVE THE DATE - Wed 7th Feb
Our annual Valentine’s tournament will take place on Wednesday 7th February. It’s promises to be a fun event with lots of great tennis and some prizes to be won. Don’t forget to wear red and pink!!
The sign-up sheet will be up on the notice board in the clubhouse from this weekend and closing date for entry is Monday 5th February. A €10 entry fee will be payable on the day by cash or Revolut.
If you can’t make it to the club to sign up, please don’t hesitate to contact one of the Ladies Committee members.
Club night will take place this evening, so pop down any time between 8pm to 10pm - Stephen will be in attendance at 8pm to get things started!
MEN’S MORNING – Sunday Mornings
Men’s morning will be from 9am to 11am this Sunday, followed by Winter League. Come for a game and stay to watch some matches!
Evening Cardio Tennis
A reminder that Evening Cardio tennis will commence Thursday 1st February at 8pm for 4 weeks. Bookings via Easy Payments
U12 Stars & Stripes Spring 2024!!
The Stars & Stripes event will commence on Saturday 3rd February and run for 5 weeks (3rd Feb, 10th Feb, 24th Feb, 2nd March & 10th March). We will have 3 double pairings plus a friendly pairing for both boys and girls. It is always a great fun event.
Matches are on Saturday evenings at either 5 or 6pm and usually last about one hour. The players will play local clubs Blackrock, Bray, Glenageary, Leopardstown, Meadowvale, Newtownpark, Sandycove and Shankill.
Please get in touch with the U12 Junior Reps to confirm your son/daughters interest by Sunday 28th January.
Emer O'Sullivan (Boys)
Sinead Egan (Girls)
Thank you, The Junior Committee