Senior Christmas Coaching Schedule

Dear Members

Senior Coaching sessions are being renewed up to the end of January (with a break for Christmas).    The sessions be run on the following weeks

·         w/b Tuesday 7 December

·         w/b Monday 13 December

·         w/b Monday 10 January

·         w/b Monday 17 January

·         w/b Monday 24 January

For Monday sessions the new term will start on Monday 13th December.   (Note: Monday 6th December is included in the previous term).  For all other coaching sessions, the new term starts on the week commencing Monday 6th December.    

The cost will  be €45 for all groups except Monday groups where the cost will be €36 (4 sessions only).  Sign Up will be via Easy Payments – which is now open.



08.00          Early Risers (ladies/men) (max 12)

09.00          Ladies Morning Training (max 12)

20.00          Men’s League Training  (max 12)



14.00          Ladies Training (C3-5) (max 12)



08.00          Early Risers (ladies/men) (max 12)

09.00          Ladies Morning Training (max 12)



14.00          Ladies training (C6-7) (max 12)

19.00          Men’s Training (C4-7) (max 12)



18.00       Mixed Training (Men C4-5/Ladies C4+) (max 12)


 Clodagh, Craig & Coaches

Anne Crossan