Snippet 24/09/20
I'm going to try and give you a positive Snippets....but it won't be easy...full of cancellations..
sorry POSTPONEMENTS.....there is a difference!
The Internal League, on which Ciaran & Helen had done so much work in organising the teams - Captains etc, was the first casualty of the week...quickly followed by both the Ladies & Mens Morning. The guidelines will be reviewed after three weeks - so fingers crossed.
And obviously the Men’s Senior League Final due to be played last Sunday was also postponed.
Coaching is one of the areas that has been allowed's great to see the kids getting such fun and camaraderie - albeit in reduced numbers. Please return your COVID forms ASAP...if you don't have one, the Coaches have them at hand...also thank you to those of you who have already paid for Term 1.
Floodlight cards are available from Hewetts Newsagents in Monkstown Village..with
Mc Cormacks & Goggins both closed. They can also be purchased here through the office.. particularly if you need more than 5 at a time. You can call me any morning & I'll sort you with your order. Also if you've booked a court and find you have to cancel, please cancel as early as you can - I've had the odd remark about courts being cancelled literally at the eleventh hour. Thanks a mil.
I've just received an acknowledgment from CRY for the €500.00 donation on behalf of our members. They much appreciate the thought & generosity of the donation - as do Mick & Breege.
Well to end on a good news story.. Would you believe Ray (Kavanagh) and Martina are Grandparent for the first time....They are bursting with pride! Baby Sarah Jane arrived on May Day to their daughter Julianne ( a former member) and Dara. Congrats all round!
That's it for this only leaves me to say do mind yourselves. When in the tennis club - keep your distance and sanitize your hands regularly.