Snippets 02/02/20

Again just a short Snippets today....very much overshadowed by the untimely death last week of our dear member and friend Colm Maguire RIP. 

Colm joined the  club in April 1994, exactly 26 years ago, and served as  Mens' Captain in 2007.  Tennis was so much part of his life and he was almost a permanent fixture in the club at the week ends and on Tuesday mornings with the "Gang".  Would you believe he was rostered to do lock up duty this week....still volunteering after 26 years. He had many close friends in the club who are all in shock at the suddenness of his passing.

Our deepest sympathy to his brothers Tony and Eugene.  Both Tony and Eugene live outside the Country, so under the current situation cannot make it home for Colm's burial - but have suggested when they can make it home,  they would love to have a celebration in the tennis club of Colm's life. Our own Eric Cooney has offered to hold a service in our local Church on an agreed date.

Colm's burial willl take place on Monday next in Deans Grange Cemetery, with Eric saying the Graveside prayers. Lets all remember him on Monday and say a little prayer. You can leave a condolence message for Colm on

Life - as such! - must go on and it is with great dissapointment that Ciaran and Helen have to  "postpone" the ever popular Captains' Day - but would hope to hold it later in the season.
Also the DLTC have announced the cancellation of the Summer League.

For the many of us suffering from tennis withdrawal symtoms, Stephen is posting regular Videos to help hone your skills at home in readiness for our return to the courts. Check out to access the videos.

 All that's left for me to say is "stay safe and look out for each other"

Helen Lane