Snippets 20/05/21
Hi Folks!
The courts will certainly get a rest from play today...what weather!...although it seems to be brightening up a little bit.
The Senior training programme begins from next Saturday....there are still a few slots available , but the deadline for registration is tomorrow, Friday, at 6pm
JUNIORS: The following are the Dates /Age groups/ Times of Stephen's Summer Camps (for Junior members only)
CAMP 1: 28th June - 2nd July - Age Group Time
6 - 10 years 10am - 1pm
11 - 14 years 2pm - 5pm
Cost €110.00
CAMP 2: 5th July - 9th July Toddlers (4/5 years) 9am - 10am
6 - 8 years 10am - 12noon
9 / 10 years 12 noon - 2pm
11 / 12 years 3pm - 5pm
Toddlers group Cost €35.00. All other Groups €75.00
CAMP 3 19th July - 23rd July. Age Groups / Times as CAMP 1 (€110.00)
CAMP 4 26th July - 30th July Age Groups / Times as CAMP 2 (€35 /€75.00)
Camp 5 3rd August - 6th August (4days) Age / Times as Camp 1 (€90.00)
Adrienne's Camp: 23rd - 25th August ( 3 days) U/9's 10am - 12 noon
Toddlers 12 noon - 1pm
10 - 12 years 2pm - 4pm
Cost; Toddlers €20.00 Other Groups €40.00
Booking, by Easy Payments, will open on Tuesday next 25th, @ fingers on the buzzer!
Speaking of the Juniors, for the Championship events we have perpetual Shields for all the various winners which are duly engraved. This year some need to be replaced...would you believe some of them date back to 1986! It is a tradition that a Family or individual might like to Sponsor one. The cost is €70.00 approx. We are 4 short, so maybe you might like to have your name on one of them and be remembered over the next 36 years! Let me know if you're always first come - first served!
Now for the big news of the week!...To celebrate the installation of our new, upgraded Floodlights , the Committee have made a decision to offer free usage of the floodlights to run until December 31st 2021. I think I can say on behalf of the membership that that is some celebration! The lights will be operated as usual with the cards...which can be obtained as always in Hewetts in Monkstown Village...BUT a MAXIMUM of 5 cards at a time please!
That's all for this week....would you believe blue skies are on view!
Warm regards