Snippets 21/10/2021
Hi Folks!
Nice to look out at the sunshine after a pretty miserable day yesterday...which really affected the Ladies Morning Halloween tournament. Because of the rain they had to cancel the tournament. It was so disappointing as the Committee had put in a huge amount of effort into making the place look spooky - yet fab!... it would have been such fun. Your effort was much appreciated. By the way, because of the Mid Term break there will be No Ladies Morning next Wednesday.
The Adult Coaching groups conclude this week. It is intended to run a further 4 / 5 week session in the lead up to Christmas. There will be a Newsflash going out in the next couple of days to give you full details of Dates / Times etc.
Karen has asked me to remind you Ladies to organise your Box competition matches...time is just flying by!
On the Junior front just a reminder that there will be No group coaching during the Mid-term break - ie Monday 25th - Sunday 31st.
Please take note of upcoming dates for the very popular Junior Matchplay Practice sessions...
FRIDAY 22nd October - Orange Ball
FRIDAY 5th November - Green Ball
FRIDAY 19th November - Yellow Ball
TIME: 5pm - 6.30 pm
The U/12 Stars & Stripes finished last Saturday with the Boys coming in 2nd Place overall..a great achievement guys! The signup sheet for the U/14's Stars & Stripes is still on the Notice Board..deadline Friday 29th Oct. Again thanks to our Junior coordinator Andrea Osborne for overseeing the events, ably assisted by some very helpful Mums!
Lisa and Gina headed off in the early hours of this morning for Barcelona to take part in the Potter Cup...and I've just got word from Andrea (McAuley) that Sarah and her hockey team have just beaten France in their qualifying match for the Hockey World Cup. Super win! match v Belarus on Saturday. I'm sure not many clubs can boast that three of their members are on International duty this weekend! Best of luck Lisa, Gina and Sarah from all here in MLTC!
That's it for this week....have a lovely Bank Holiday weekend and those of you jetting off to foreign parts next week "Enjoy"!
Warm regards