Snippets & COVID-19 Rules 17/09/20

What weather!   We could relax and enjoy it If only we hadn't this cloud hanging over us wondering what tomorrow is going to bring.  Anyway it's all systems go here at the moment with  the guys from Court Care doing a super job in giving the courts a full maintenance job. Apologies for any inconvenience caused today but it'll be well worth it.  Thanks to Kevin for organising the work.   

The Internal League has had a huge response and our Captains Helen & Ciaran are delighted to announce that all is in readiness with  details on the Website (Teams / Rules etc.). Your Team Captains will be in touch with you very shortly. The competition starts from Monday next the 21st with first round matches having  a two week window to allow all games to be arranged.  Helen & Ciaran hope you all enjoy the competition & have some fun.

Welcome back to all the Ladies who attended Ladies Morning last Wednesday.

Stephen is starting Ladies Coaching on Monday & Wednesday mornings starting  next Monday.

Mondays will feature the Psychology & Tactics for serve & return....with Patterns & Tactics for doubles featuring on Wednesdays.  The Course runs for 6 weeks from 9am - 10am with a fee of €50.00....NUMBERS LIMITED to 12 per Group....  Register by emailing the office.

Given the situation in Dublin, we'd like to remind members that COVID rules are still in place. In particular:

  • No drop ins or spectators. 

  • Games must be booked  using the online booking system so we have a record for contact tracing.

  • COVID forms must be filled in for Junior Coaching and we would encourage parents to drop Juniors off at the gate

Please see the Junior Covid Screening form  and updated MLTC COVID-19 rules.

Junior Coaching:  

Term 1 Coaching fees:  Methods of payment:  cheque / cash or online.   Online details:

AIB DUN-LAOGHAIRE  IBAN;  IE47 AIBK 9334 0619 4125 60  BIC;  AIBKIE2D.

The Coaches have full details of fee costs.

Apologies to regular players on court 3...the floodlights have been out of order this week...all should be in readiness for play by Monday next the 21st.

Congrats  Capt Garry...super performance last do the same against Harlequins on Sat next!!

Enjoy the sunshine & please stay safe.

Warm  regards


Helen Lane