Club Notices

Please see below our notices for the coming week.

Covid Update

There have been a small number of our Juniors who have tested positive for Covid in the last week and where possible coaches are advising the relevant coaching groups if a child who attended coaching may subsequently have tested positive. Families are advised to follow the relevant HSE guidelines and we advise all members to follow the Covid Guidelines when in the club.


A reminder that the annual subscription can be paid via Easy Payments and is now due. Please contact Anne Crossan in the office if you have any queries regarding the payment method.


Ladies Winter League   

We have had an incredible level of interest from the ladies in the club for Winter League.   The teams have now been finalised by the tennis committee (Clodagh, working with Stephen and with input from some of our former captains).  

It was a tough job making the selections and unfortunately we could not offer everyone a place on a team.  However, to try and accommodate as many people as possible we have two squad players named on most teams.  Squad players should play a minimum of two matches and be considered part of the team.

Thanks to all those who agreed to be a sub.  It is vital to have an active subs list especially if someone is required at short notice.  And many thanks to everyone who agreed to be a team Captain.  I’m sure we are all looking forward to getting started on Sunday 30th of January.  Best of Luck to all Teams.



Reminder on Court Bookings

There are certain time slots in the mornings and at the weekends that are allocated to Seniors only and we ask members to ensure that they adhere to this when booking. We will post the time slots on the notice board to ensure everyone is aware of the designated times.


Ladies Morning

We will be sending out a survey to all members next week in relation to the ladies morning format and frequency.   Based on our findings, there will be a refresh of the ladies morning sessions.  Date of recommencement will be advised thereafter. 

In the meantime, a date for your diaries is Wednesday 9th Feb for our annual valentines tournament, sharing the love. 

Great news in that we have just received details of the charity league.  Sign up details on the notice board. If you are interested, please sign up by Friday 28th January as we are due to submit entrance details by Tuesday 1st February. Registration fee will be €15.00 upon selection of teams. 


Men’s Sunday Morning Tennis

Please note that winter league will commence on Sunday 30th Jan and there will be some minor impact on court availability – but the good news is there should be 2 courts available to the men most Sundays from 9 -11am apart from the 20th Feb.


Club Night

Club night tonight will be hosted by Yvonne Owen.  Do come along as it promises to be a lovely crisp evening and we will have Stephen giving some coaching support at the beginning of the evening. If anyone might be willing to host a club night – please put your name on the Rota in the function room or contact Isabella Davison.

Have a good weekend


Anne Crossan