Message from the President re. reopening of MLTC

Dear Members

I am very happy to tell you all that our club is ready for reopening on 26th April.  This comes with the caveat that we are obliged to comply with COVID regulations.

In the meantime, I confirm that Junior coaching can be booked from 10am this Friday (16th) via Easy Payments on the club website.  Judy & Anne are available to assist you if you have any queries.

Court bookings will reopen at 10am on Monday 19th April.

Our COVID officer, Siobhan, will issue the COVID regulations under separate cover.  Please take the time to familiarise yourselves with these regulations.

Remember - how you behave impacts on the health of everyone else. The Committee is obliged to ensure that club members strictly comply with all COVID restrictions.

So - welcome back and happy and safe tennis for everyone.

Mary Meagher

For the committee

Anne Crossan