COVID Regulations re. reopening of MLTC
Dear MLTC members,
As I’m sure you’re all aware, tennis has been given the go ahead to restart from April 26th. In advance of dusting off the racquets we’d like to draw your attention to a few points:
1: Doubles play is only permitted if playing partners are from the same household, in all other scenarios I’m afraid that play is restricted to singles only.
2: The Clubmanager booking system will reopen on April 19th @ 10am to allow bookings to be made a week in advance of play. Play will be limited to 50 mins per booking.
It is very important that all play is booked in advance naming all players.
Only those players named on a booking may play, please amend bookings in advance if there are changes.
If you cannot use your booking please cancel it in advance so that others may book.
3: The changing rooms, kitchen and function room must remain closed.
Essential toilet use is permitted on a ‘one in, one out’ basis.
Water will not be available so please ensure supplies are brought to court.
4: Coaching will be permitted for adults and juniors.
A pod of 6 juniors (u18) can be coached per court on a rotational basis with 4 on court at any one time.
A pod of 8 is allowed for red ball activities (younger juniors).
Adult coaching (o18) is limited to a maximum of 2 households per court.
All members are respectfully requested to familiarise yourselves and your children with Tennis Ireland’s Practical Guide for Tennis Clubs, Players and Coaches (April 26) and with MLTC’s own rules.
We all know the drill by now so let common sense and a regard for the health and safety of all be our focus in the coming weeks. Practice social distancing, use the sanitiser and above all stay home if you feel unwell or have been deemed a close contact.
If you have any Covid-19 and tennis concerns or queries or need help amending/ cancelling a booking please feel free to contact me.
Looking forward to seeing you!
Siobhan Coburn
COVID Officer