Snippets 08/04/21
Hi Folks!
Well another week has slipped by to bring us nearer to "D Day!"
The very disappointing news this week is the "Postponement" of the oh so popular Captains' Day ....scheduled for Saturday 24th April. Karen and Eoin were so looking forward to welcoming everyone back on their special day.....but no doubt as soon as Tennis Ireland publish their guidelines, they will make plans to reschedule it.
Normally I'm congratulating our younger members on their various achievements... this time it is one of our Golden Oldies! Annette Dunne (affectionately known as Netty to her pals!) and former Lady Captain (1989) has just had her first book published.
The title is "chocolate for breakfast", a book of short stories priced at €10. Details can be viewed on the website It is available in Hewetts newsagent in Monkstown village...speaking of Hewetts, Thelma and David deserve a really big Thank You from all the locals for their wonderful service throughout the last year. Congrats Netty and the very best of luck with your first book!
That's it for this week...keep minding each other and I'll see you all in 17 days!
Warm regards