Club Notices
Court Booking
I have been asked by quite a few members to remind everyone that if you book a court and then find you cannot play that you would remember to cancel the booking so others might avail of it. It has also been pointed out that there are some members booking courts back-to-back at peak playing times and we ask members not to do this as we aim to ensure that all members can have equal access to courts. (Peak times include Mon – Thurs 7pm – 10pm, Saturdays between 10am and 5pm, Sundays between 2pm and 5pm.)
And finally a reminder that between 8am and 1pm on Saturday and Sunday it is Adult only times. We would appreciate everyone’s co-operation in court booking as we head into the summer. Many thanks.
Club Administrator
We are delighted to announce that Carol Kelly will be our new part-time club administrator commencing in June. Carol has been an active club member for many years and no doubt all members will welcome her and wish her well in her new role. She will job share with Anne Crossan and we look forward to working with her in the coming months.
Lock Up Rota
A big thank you to all those members who have assisted in opening / locking the club while Arek has been on leave. We really appreciate all of you who helped with this rota and there are just a few more days to go until we have Arek back with us.
Senior and League Coaching
Ladies League Coaching
Singles coaching continues and the next three Thursdays are available to book on Easy Payments
· Ladies League Coaching - THURSDAY 7.00 - 8.00pm League Classes 5-7
· Ladies League Coaching - THURSDAY 8.00 - 9.00pm League Classes 2-4
Squad and substitute players are encouraged to join. We are also looking to schedule doubles coaching – details to follow.
Senior Coaching
The next set of Senior Coaching sessions started this week.
· LADIES/MEN’S TRAINING – MONDAY 8.00 – 9.00am (Early Risers)
· LADIES TRAINING – THURSDAY 1.00 - 2.00pm League Class 6-7 & Non-League
· LADIES TRAINING – THURSDAY 2.00 - 3.00pm League Class 3-6
· MEN’S TRAINING – THURSDAY 7.00 – 8.00pm League class 4-7
Cost for the 6 sessions will be €54 and payment is now open on Easy Payments
Note: We need a minimum of 6 people signed up to run the coaching sessions.
Captain’s Day – Sunday 22nd May
Our club captains, Clodagh Murray and Craig Olliver are looking forward to welcoming everyone to the club for this year’s Captain’s Day. And this year, we will also be celebrating our 2020 and 2021 captains, Helen Ryan, Ciaran Bolger, Karen Ivory and Eoin Langford.
Tennis tournament will start at 2pm, with a prosecco reception at 5pm, followed by an Asian street-style supper. Tickets available until Tuesday May 18th on Easy Payments (or contact Isabella)
Tennis and Dinner €32.50.
Reception and Dinner only €25.00.
Click here for our digital flyer about the event.
Summer League
The summer league has now commenced so members need to be aware that there will be restricted court bookings in the evenings and at the weekends for the next 4 weeks of the league. Keep an eye on Club Manager so you know what times the courts will be available.
Men’s Morning
Courts 4, 5, and 6 will be available this Sunday from 10am - 12 noon.
Ladies Tennis
Charity League
Great play by our advanced charity league team, captained by Anthea Lydon, accompanied by Sarah Robson, Karen Geraghty, Caroline Berwick, Fiona O’Sullivan and Jacqui Byrne who reached the semi-final on Tuesday. Unfortunately they were pipped on the day in a long battle of games. Great tennis on display .
Well done to the entire team for getting so far.
5 Mile League
The ladies committee are delighted to put forward a team for this local league. Our team is captained by Yvonne Owen and we wish them the best of luck for their upcoming matches. Games will be played on Sunday evenings.
Ladies Social Tennis
Ladies' Social Tennis is back for the next couple of Wednesdays, with the last date on Wednesday, May 25th. There was a great turnout last Wednesday morning, and we look forward to more mornings of enjoyable tennis, and a catch-up over coffee. Thanks to all those who have either hosted or supported the mornings so far!
Junior News
The Junior summer coaching term is now up and running along with match play on Fridays and Saturdays.
Junior Match Play May & June
MAY 2022
Fri 6th May - U14 Yellow ball
Fri 13th May - U12 yellow ball
Fri 20th May - U10 Orange ball (7/8y)
Fri 27th May - U10 Green ball (9/10yo)
Sat 28th May - U18 girls
JUNE 2022
Fri 3rd June - U12 Yellow ball
Sat 4th June - U18 boys
Fri 10th June - U14 Yellow ball
Fri 17th June - U10 Orange ball (7/8yo)
Sat 18th June - U18 girls
Fri 24th June - U10 Green ball (9/10yo)
Sat 25th June - U18 boys
All match play is from 4-6pm except U14 from 5-7pm
The Junior Committee are reminding you of the very popular Parent and Child Tournament which will be held on Monday 6th June from 12 – 3pm. The sign-up sheet is on the notice board and the contribution will be €20 per family entering. The funds raised will be in aid of T4C (Tennis for Cancer) which is headed up by our own club member Grace Owens. Please bring along a plate of goodies if you are attending.
Club Night
Club night tonight will be hosted by Isabella Davison. Do come along and Stephen will give some coaching support at the beginning of the evening. This is an opportunity to meet and play with members of varying standards and is a relaxed evening of tennis.
Isabella continues to host club night regularly along with being the club’s event co-ordinator. We need more volunteers to host an evening so please let her know if you can host an evening.
Hope you all are enjoying the beautiful sunshine and have a good weekend.