Snippets 11/03/21

Hi Folks!

Well what a week for Federer!  His team wins the MLTC Fitness Challenge and he makes a winning comeback in Doha with some amazing tennis!!

I better get my priorities right!..first to the super win of Team Federer. After 4 weeks of very keenly contested events, Team Federer never slipped from the number 1 position. Captained by Clodagh Murray the following is the team...Sinead Egan - Pat Cowley - Katie Legge - Ciara Maguire - Jana Langford - Helen Ryan - Pauline Phelan - Isabella Davison - Fiona O'Sullivan - Jacqui Mc Cabe  and Claire Aherne. Congratulations to all who finished on a combined score of 3608.54 km. Each team member will receive a €25 Voucher for Grandstands Sports.

Final scores for the other teams ..Team Seles 3225.4 km, Team Agassi 3131.4 km, Team Williams 3016 km, Team Graf 2728.5 km, Team Murray 2420.3...I've just learned that Team Murray was an all male team...ah lads how did 5 teams of Ladies get higher scores than you?- you better get into further training before you take to the courts again!  Best individual score for this week was achieved by Sarah Robson with an incredible 115 km. Some score Sarah!

Our Lady Captain & Vice Captain - Karen & Clodagh - are each sponsoring a bottle of wine for the best 2 photographs which were taken over the course of the challenge. Well done to Rachael Mullett (1st) followed by Isabella Davison. The photos will be featured on our Instagram page later in the day.

The President, Mary Meagher, wishes to thank & congratulate Caroline & Sonya for organising the event and to all the enthusiastic competitors. It was a huge success and much appreciated by all 72 competitors.

As I mentioned at the top, an exciting week in tennis with Federer making a winning return in Doha....some of his shots were just sublime, so we've an interesting couple of months ahead before Wimbledon!!

An exciting week in rugby also with our Garry taking to the pitch v Scotland on Sunday..if he continues his super display against Italy we're in for a cracker!

Not going to mention the 5th of April - suffice to say Tennis Ireland have informed all clubs that they are working away behind the scenes to convince the powers that be to allow tennis clubs to reopen.

That's it for this week....keep hoping and we'll get a positive result! Take care of each other.

Warm regards



Anne Crossan