Snippets 13/05/21

Hi Folks!

Well you all seem to be still in great form and enjoying the novelty of being back playing tennis in our lovely surroundings....roll on the day when we can have a cuppa and a chat after our game!

I've been asked to remind you of the various playing hours throughout the week.

 Monday  -  Friday:        8 am  -  2 pm   Adults only

                                       2 pm  -  7 pm  All Members

                                       7 pm  -  10 pm  Adults only  


Saturday / Sunday:       9 am  - 1 pm   Adults only

                                       1 pm  -  7 pm  All Members

                                       7 pm  -  8 pm  Adults only                                     

* Please note:

On Sundays, between 2pm - 5pm, Courts 4, 5 & 6 are for Families / Juniors only.

Helen has also updated the hours on the Website    https//

Watch out for an interesting "Newsflash" from the Captains' Karen & Eoin tomorrow re a series of Adult Group Coaching details.

Summer Tennis Camps:   Families / Juniors will get an email early next week with full details of Dates / Age Groups / Times etc for the upcoming Camps.

To finish on an exciting note for Michael and Grace Sheil!....within weeks of their last baby Grandson arriving - lo and behold "Henry Liam" arrived safe and well last Monday to Michael and Grace's daughter and former member Grainne and Kaj...who are just over the moon with their first precious son!  Congrats all round...busy summer ahead, Granny and Grandad!!

That's it for this week...Life is slowly but surely returning to's the little things that mean so much to us now.  Take care and still keep an eye out for each other.

       Warm  regards



Anne Crossan