Snippets 18/06/20

As we await with baited breath for updated guidelines from Tennis Ireland, we keep our fingers crossed that doubles play will be back on the agenda...we should know tomorrow week.

The Junior Programme is scheduled to start from Monday 29th June.....with Supervision and Camps being held. The Committee will be  meeting over the next couple of days to firm up on court booking adjustments - Camp dates and other guidelines that will have to be adhered to.... you'll get an email with all updates over the weekend.

I've been asked to remind members that the 8am slot is for adults only...and must be booked.

I guess you've noticed the trees along the pathway as you approach the clubhouse have been removed, due to the roots spreading under the grass and heading towards the courts.  It has proven very successful adding so much light to the area.

You guys who volunteer to do Lock Up duty have had a long break!  From Monday next I'm looking for Volunteers PLEASE!  Just email and I'll make contact with you...thanks a mil!

We were very sad to hear of the passing last week of Brendan Moloney at the age of 64....not many of you would remember him as he was a member many years ago....he received a heart transplant about twenty years ago and subsquently represented Ireland in the World Transplant games. He was a true gentleman...May his gentle soul Rest In Peace.

That's it for this week.....keep smiling as we ease our way back to some normality.

Helen Lane