Club Notices

Please note the club office will be closed next week as Anne takes a well-deserved break and there will be no weekly newsletter next Thursday! Light tokens are available to purchase from the notice board or from Hewetts in Monkstown but not via Easy payments just for next week.


Keeping our Club Safe

If you think you might be the last person leaving the club any time during the day we ask that you might ensure the patio doors and main door are closed over until Arek or the person on lock up duty arrives to put on the alarm and lock the doors and gate. This will ensure the club remains safe and secure – we have noticed the doors are often left open and we would like to avoid any intruders coming into the club while it is unattended.


Junior Coaching Term

The coaching term for Juniors commences this Sunday 24th April.  All coaching bookings should be in by tomorrow and any outstanding queries will be dealt with by Anne on her return on 3rd May.


Senior and League Coaching

The dates / times will be advised shortly by the captains so please keep an eye on the notice board or for whatsapp messages!


Summer League 

The summer league will commence on 6th May – so members need to be aware that there will be restricted court bookings in the evenings and at the weekends for the 5 weeks of the league. Keep an eye on club manager so you know what times the courts will be available. This year DLTC are not posting out the full schedule sheet lists but members who are playing league should keep an eye on the DLTC website for fixtures and we have made up a condensed version for the notice board.


Men’s Morning

Courts 4, 5, and 6 will be available this Sunday and next Sunday from 10am  - 12 noon.


Ladies Morning Tennis

Ladies morning will continue this Wednesday and we invite ladies to come along and enjoy a pleasant game of tennis from 10am – 12 noon.


Club Night

Club night tonight will be hosted by Isabella. Do come along and Stephen will give some coaching support at the beginning of the evening. This is an opportunity to meet and play with members of varying standards and is a relaxed evening of tennis. We need more volunteers to host a club night – please put your name on the Rota in the function room or contact Isabella Davison.


Hope you all have a good weekend and are enjoying this beautiful spell of warm weather in our lovely club.



Anne Crossan