TI PIN Newsflash

Dear members

We have extended the use of the Tennis Ireland Tournament Software to facilitate the smooth and efficient running of the Handicaps and Senior and Junior Championships.

As part of this process, all members wishing to enter such tournaments will need to register with Tennis Ireland to create an online account and receive a Tennis Ireland Pin (TI Pin) – if you don’t already have one. The registration only takes a minute and the account is created immediately.   

To register, go to: https://ti.tournamentsoftware.com    Simply – click on ‘Log in’ on the top right-hand corner, then click on the ‘Sign up’ option and follow the steps to create your account.  Once you are logged in, your name will appear in the top right-hand corner of your screen.

We recommend that you keep the login name simple and meaningful e.g. johnmurphy.  (The same password and email address can be used for multiple users but the login name must be different.)  Then remember to keep a record of your login name and password so that you can enter our club tournaments.  

If you are managing multiple user accounts, please make sure to log out of one before signing up for the next one. Again, this is done by clicking in the top right corner and selecting ‘Log out’.

Tennis Ireland will send messages relating to your tournament activity to the email address specified in your account. In the case of players U18 we ask that you use an email supervised by a parent/guardian.

Please contact Anne Crossan on mltc.annecrossan@gmail.com if you have any queries. 

Should you experience any difficulties with your tournament account – please visit the Tennis Ireland website https://www.tennisireland.ie/competitions/national-player-database/ and email Tennis Ireland on npd@tennisireland.ie

Regards from your Captains

Karen & Eoin

Anne Crossan