Club Notices

Last weekend was full to the brim with great sporting achievements with the Golf, Horse Racing and a great win for the Irish Rugby team to name a few. We had some great wins again too with our ladies 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Winter League teams, while the men had wins in their 1st, 2nd, 4th and 6th teams. Well done to you all and good luck again this week, here’s to another great sporting weekend!



Many thanks to all of you who have paid your sub for 2022.  We would like to remind those of you who have yet to pay that it can be paid via Easy Payments. Please contact Anne Crossan in the office if you have any queries regarding the payment method.


Men’s Morning

This Sunday, courts 2 and 3 will be available for Men’s Morning tennis from 9 – 11am.


Easter Cup

The men’s annual Easter Cup tournament commences this Saturday, and we wish them the best of luck with their tournament.  This will impact court availability on some Saturdays this month and next and as it is a very popular time for our senior members, we remind everyone that all courts between 9am and 12 noon on Saturday are reserved for adults only.

There is a weekly schedule on the notice board for anyone who is unsure of booking times and designated court availability.

Ladies Charity League

This league will commence on Monday 28th Feb and all the teams are now listed on the notice board.


Ladies Morning Tennis

The ladies would like to thank all those who completed their recent survey on Ladies Morning, and they will present their findings shortly.  If there are ladies who would like to join the ladies committee please contact Katie Legge.

 A great morning of fun tennis was had by all at the Valentines tournament yesterday with the club decorated with lots of hearts and garlands. A presentation was made to Breege Clancy for the charity CRY by Katie Legge on behalf of all the ladies. It was a beautiful sunny morning with a happy atmosphere and was very much enjoyed by all. 

Junior Coaching

Parents – please note that there will be no junior coaching on Saturday 19th February as we are hosting the Leinster Junior Matchplays on that day.  The Coaching will take place on Saturday 26th February instead.


Red, Orange & Green Ball Leinster Tour Part 4

The Leinster Red, Orange and Green Ball series continues in February.  For those Juniors interested in entering please click here


First Aid  

There are two first Aid Boxes available to members in the event of an accident. One is located in the kitchen in the drawer under the microwave and the other is located in the hallway over the suggestion post box!  If there is a need to use any of the First Aid materials or if there is an accident, could you please note it in the diaries provided in the First Aid box. This enables us to keep an eye on what might need to be replaced and ensures we have a record of any accident or incident which might require a follow up by the H&S committee. Special thanks to Ursula O’Connell who ensures all supplies are up to date and in stock.


Club Night

Club night tonight will be hosted by Andy Curtin . Do come along as it promises to be a lovely evening and we will have Stephen giving some coaching support at the beginning of the evening. If anyone is willing to host a club night – please put your name on the Rota in the function room or contact Isabella.


Hope you all have a lovely weekend


Anne Crossan