MLTC Club Notices 09.02.23

Newsletter 9th February 2023



Great to have such a big sign up for this event – it is now full!
Please note this  STARTS AT 7.30PM  SHARP 

Thanks to all who have already signed up for this tournament. 

We need more Class 7 and non-league players please and ESPECIALLY MORE MEN PLAYERS in all classes.



 We'd really appreciate donations of any unused/unloved Christmas presents that are lurking in your closets (big or small) as we're creating a stock of raffle prizes for the various events planned for this year. Please leave any unneeded gifts in the 'colourful' box situated outside the club office. 

Many thanks 


Events' dates for your diary......

Valentine's mixed-doubles, salsa & tapas- Tonight!!! Don't forget to BYOB

Captains Day (tennis & dinner) - Sunday 23rd April

Senior Handicaps Summer BBQ - Saturday 15th July

'At Home' dinner & dancing - Saturday 26th August


This year's social events are being co-ordinated by members Carole Curtin (087 908 1963) and Mary McLoughlin (086 384 1249), along with our Lady Captain, Aoife Stokes, and our Men's Captain, Aaron Duffy. Volunteers and supporters are essential to the success of these events, and we'd like to thank you in advance for taking part in 2023 



We remind members that your annual subscription is now due. All members should have received an invoice by email and payment methods were outlined in the email to members on 10th January. 

If members wish to pay by one of the new instalment options, you will need to sign up by 27th February on Easy Payments (EasyPayments

Alternatively full payment needs to be made by 1st March 2023 by Easy Payments or by bank transfer to  IBAN:    IE78AIBK93340619412487    BIC:       AIBKIE2D 

Members seeking Leave of Absence need to apply as soon as possible and will be required to pay a fee of €50pa.  (No fee applies to those who request LOA due to illness) 

If members have any queries, please call the office any morning Mon – Fri between 9am and 1pm and Carol or Anne will be happy to guide you. (01 2842582 or email




Week 3 of Winter league resumes this Sunday 12th February.

Best of luck to all our teams!



Valentine’s Tournament 

The ladies committee were delighted to see a fantastic turnout for the Valentine’s tournament yesterday. It was a wonderful social morning of fun tennis. A big thank you to all the ladies who attended and contributed towards the €270 which was raised for CRY - a charity supporting Cardiac Risk in the Young (



SAVE THE DATE - St Patrick’s Day tournament will be held on Wednesday 15th March. Further details to follow.  


Ladies morning

There will be no ladies morning next Wednesday 15th February as it is midterm break. 




 I hope all our Junior members enjoy their mid-term break....lucky you!

Reminder:  No coaching from Monday 13th to Sunday 19th.


Those of you who have signed up for the Camp next week can look forward to a fun couple of days  


(there are a few places still available,  please ring the office on 01 2842582 or sign up on the noticeboard if you wish to put your childs name on list)



Carol Kelly