Newsflash & LINK re Senior Championships 2022
Congratulations to all the Finalists in the Handicaps Tournament. What a great 2 weeks of tennis, a super Finals Day, and a fabulous BBQ organised by our ‘Dream Team’, Isabella Davison and Sarah Robson. And with the dust hardly settled, we move on to our second big event of the summer:
Entry is now open for the Senior Championships using this link: Monkstown LTC Senior Championships 2022 | Tennis Ireland (
Please take note of the unavailability allowances below. If we have the same bumper entry as last year, we will have circa 300 matches to schedule over the two weeks. Quite a challenge with only 6 courts, and we will need to play the first 80 matches to allow us to make the draws for the plates and bowls. Your assistance is much appreciated.
Tournament Dates
The tournament starts on Friday 12th August
Finals Day will be on Saturday 27th of July, followed by our ‘At Home’ Dinner in the Royal Irish Yacht Club
Entry to the tournament closes on Friday 5th August
Ladies Singles, Men’s Singles, Ladies Doubles, Men’s Doubles, Mixed Doubles, Girls Singles U21s, Boys Singles U21s, Ladies Singles 0ver 40s, Men’s Singles Over 40s
Plate Events
If you lose your first match, in the Ladies, Men’s, and Mixed Doubles main draw, you will be entered in the Plate competition
There will be combined plate competitions for Ladies Singles/Over 40s, and for Men’s Singles/Over 40s.
Bowl Events
If you lose your second match in the Ladies, Men’s, or Mixed Doubles main draw, you will be entered in a Bowl competition
Please note: If we run into scheduling delays, due to unavailability / withdrawals etc, it may not be possible to run all Plate / Bowl events, or, we may need to enter first match losers directly into the Bowl event.
Non-Availability Allowances
All non-availability must be declared on the online entry form
Matches will be played weekday evenings from 6pm and during the day over the weekends 13th/14th and 20th/21st
Each player, or doubles pairing, may put in for only 2 days unavailability from Saturday 13th of August to Sunday 21st August
Please check your combined availability with your playing partner
Friday 12th August will be used as a contingency day. Please enter your availability, but it will not be included in your 2 days max unavailability.
All players must be fully available from Monday 22nd to Saturday 27th
We do understand that there may be exceptional circumstances. Please contact Clodagh or Craig directly with any queries or additional requests.
How to Enter
Click on the link Monkstown LTC Senior Championships 2022 | Tennis Ireland (
It takes you directly to the Senior Championship Tournament
Press the purple ‘Enter’ button which will take you to the Login Page
If you have already registered with Tennis Ireland, you Login here (there are instructions for forgotten login / password)
If you have not already registered, you will need to get a Login and a Tennis Ireland PIN – Click this Link to get set up and to get your PIN Tennis Ireland | Registering for a Tennis Ireland pin
Any difficulties getting your PIN or signing into the software, you can email Tennis Ireland on
As soon as you have logged in, you will be able to select the events you are entering and confirm any non-availability
Please enter your partner’s name if you are entering a doubles or mixed event
Payment is directly on the Tournament Website, and the cost is €10 per event.
Select 'PAY'. You will be directed to Pay Pal
You can pay with either your Pay Pal account or using a Debit or Credit Card
Tournament Café – We Need Your Help
Following the very successful introduction of the Tournament Café during the Handicaps, we will be running this again on week nights during the championships
We need men and ladies to help out each evening, and we are very welcoming younger members (16+) who would also like to volunteer.
We will need 3 volunteers each evening
If you have availability to help with this, please put your name up on the notice board
Trophies – Championship Winners 2021
It’s time to polish up the trophies and bring them back to the club for the 2022 Champions
Please ensure that you have engraved your trophy and drop back into the office anytime during the first week of the championships
And best of luck to everyone defending their titles
Any tournament queries, please contact Clodagh on 087 6818194
Clodagh & Craig